
About Prospect

Prospect is the society’s annual publication containing historical articles and memorabilia.

Copies can be obtained from the society.

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    Contents of previous editions. Download original journals

    Vol 1, 2002

    PROSPECT 2002 VOL 1


    Keith Fuller, The Auckland Grammar School War Memorial

    Jill Richards, Glimpses of a Mt Eden Doctor: Dr J.F.G. Richards

    Jim Millar, Early days of Presbyterianism in Epsom

    Keith Fuller, The place of Riukiuta-Te Tatua (Three Kings)

    G. Bush, I. Crabtree, J. Grant, World War II – through children’s eyes

    John Stacpoole, Stone Houses: an address to the Epsom & Eden District Historical Society, 2001

    Jeanette Grant, Pre-supermarket shopping

    Muriel Williams, Dogs – an anecdote from the 1920s

    Helen Laurenson, Were we amused? Some reflections on the theatre in Auckland in 1883

    Vol 2, 2003

    PROSPECT 2003 VOL 2


    Graham Bush, The Epsom History Project – a progress report

    Valerie Ayers, The Epsom windmill

    Ron Carter, Frances Rountree, Jeanette Grant, TROLLEYS

    Mary Dobbie, ‘Moorend’ and its legendary hospitality

    Muriel Williams, Epsom Methodist Sunday School

    Jill Richards, Dr Dorothy Richards

    Jeanette Grant, Out of sight, out of mind – ‘the bunker’

    John Stacpoole, A comment on the `Kelly House’

    Ann Baxter, Round and round the mountain -1968-2002

    Keith Fuller, The mauri stone – Te Toka tu Whenua

    Jeanette Grant, Francis Sinclair of ‘The Pines’ 1834-1916 notes taken from Hugh Laracy’s talk to the Society

    Owen Kendall, St Barnabas history

    Vol 3, 2004

    PROSPECT 2004 VOL 3


    Christine Black, Bews’ School : Mt Eden Collegiate School 1895-1914

    Jeanette Grant, Dr Bruce Golden

    C.E. Keith Fuller, The Cornwall Park Olives: their failure – a hypothesis

    Muriel Williams, The Queen’s Birthday

    Valerie Sherwood, The Royal Oak Hotel

    Mary Dobbie, Herbert Boucher Dobbie – ferns man

    Jeanette Grant, Lava Caves: fact or fancy?

    Bryan Boon, Early Golf in Auckland and Epsom

    Ann Baxter, Robert Rees Remembers

    R. Graeme Gummer, The Crossroads

    Mavis Fenelon, Memorials and Memories

    CE Keith Fuller, A road by any other name: the riddle of St Andrews Road

    Vol 4, 2005

    PROSPECT 2005 VOL 4


    Jack Baker, From the Pacific to the Tasman – The only coast to coast tramway in the world

    Edna Griffith, Horse-drawn buses

    Muriel Williams, The day of the go-slow strike

    Jeanette Grant, My tram trivia

    Jack Baker, Fond memories of the Regent, Epsom, in the 30s and 40s

    Jeanette Grant, Ruth Coyle of the Rutland Group

    Joyce Roberts & Jeanette Grant, The RSR railway in Kimberley Road

    Jeanette Grant, Household medicine

    Ella Greenwood, Greenwoods Corner and the southern part of Epsom

    Helen Laurenson, The Crystal Palace, Mt Eden – ‘The Theatre Luxurious’

    Bryan Boon, Partying in the early 1930s

    Vol 5, 2006

    PROSPECT 2006 VOL 5


    Mavis Fenelon, Matareka

    Jim Millar, Janet and Greenwoods Corner

    Gail Griffin, The part that Eden and Epsom have played in my life

    Jeanette Grant, The library that never was

    Muriel Williams, Royal Oak School and the essay competition

    Linda Cocks & Jeanette Grant, The origin of the St Andrews font

    Harold Stone, The buried guns of New Zealand

    Jeanette Grant, Cooking, from the range to the microwave

    David Armishaw, Auckland Teachers’ College – reminiscences of the 1960s

    Norma Bush, Interview with Mr Stacey Cox

    Helen Laurenson, Hearts and soles

    Jeanette Grant, A victim of its own success

    Vol 6, 2007

    PROSPECT 2007 VOL 6


    John Stacpoole, Construction of Old Government House

    Norma Bush, The Stirling Garden Centre

    Bryan Boon, Places in Mt Eden registered with the Historic Places Trust

    Graham Bush, Piers Nicholson and the England Epsom

    Jeanette Grant, Eden Enterprises

    Eric Laurenson, Wheels over Kakariki

    Valerie Sherwood, How the fight for the Epsom Community House was won

    Eric Laurenson, Kerbstones

    John Stacpoole, Old social life, Old Government House

    Basil Hutchinson, Well-drilling in Epsom

    Vol 7, 2008

    PROSPECT 2008 VOL 7


    Jack Baker, Auckland’s Everton

    Bryan Boon, Places in Epsom registered with the Historic Places Trust (Part II)

    Ian Thwaites, Ruth Mary Coyle

    Helen Laurenson, That takes the biscuit

    Christine Black, Epsom Girls’ Grammar School: 1917 – 2008

    Jeanette Grant, Decline and fall of the Eden-Roskill RSA

    C. E. Keith Fuller, The Quarrymen of Three Kings, Auckland

    Hugh Laracy, Dominion Day: was it ‘merely cosmetic’?

    Valerie Sherwood, Citizen and scientist: Algernon Withiel Thomas

    Vol 8, 2009

    PROSPECT 2009 VOL 8


    Bryan Boone, The Californian Bungalow

    Joan Butler, Eric Laurenson & Jeanette Grant, Right to the Door

    Norma Bush, The Real Mackie

    Graham Bush, The Epsom Well

    Graham Bush, A Tribute to Professor David Cole

    Jim Millar, Wairoa and Epsom

    Olive Clarke, Teacher Training in the 1920s

    Veronica Friedlander, London to Auckland in 1955

    C. E. Keith Fuller, God Defend New Zealand

    Jeanette Grant, Eden Edifices

    John Grant, My Auckland in 1955

    Basil Hutchinson, Dr Torrance’s Street

    Eric Laurenson, Preservation and Progress

    Don McArthur, Normal School changes during World War II

    John Stacpoole, Ian Beresford Madden

    Ian Thwaites, Hilda Wiseman, artist

    Vol 9, 2010

    PROSPECT 2010 VOL 9


    Norma Bush, Once a trammie always a trammie

    Jeanette Grant, The Epsom Community Centre Inc

    Jack Baker, The Epsom Bowling Club’s early years

    Margaret Barriball, Charles and Ann Barriball and family

    C. E. Keith Fuller, Three Kings Grove

    Olive Stubbs, Classroom chronicles 1928-1963

    Bob Kinnear, Henry Woods of Mt Eden

    Betty Barnes, A local dairy

    Jack Baker, Dad’s cars

    Jeanette Grant, Petrol rationing in New Zealand

    Bryan Boon, May to August 1945

    Joan Butler, Washday blues

    Val Sherwood, Welcomed by strangers: William Low

    Christine Black, My Epsom villa

    Jeanette Grant, Spending a penny

    Vol 10, 2011

    PROSPECT 2011 VOL 10


    Jack Baker, Eden Park’s early years

    Cynthia Landels, My story, that of a bungalow

    Valerie Sherwood, Withiel Drive: Glimpses of the first 50 years

    Jeanette Grant, Thomas Aubrey Chappe Hall, 1873-1958

    Josephine Power, Josephine’s phrases

    Bryan Boon, A gentleman’s residence

    Jeanette Grant, Bert Bannister and the ‘Maori Motorbike’

    Christine Black, Now you see it, now you don’t!

    Helen Laurenson, Remember, remember the 5th of November

    Roger Bartley, My memories of the Sharpe Road area

    Jock Carnachan, Jottings: Shipherds Avenue history

    C. E. Keith Fuller, St Andrews Reserve

    Jack Baker, Three little streets

    Eric Laurenson, Hooves over Kakariki

    Vol 11, 2012

    PROSPECT 2012 VOL 11


    Leslie Truscott, My grandfather was the mayor (Recorded and transcribed by Norma Bush)

    Muriel Williams, Elizabeth (Bessie) Kendon (nee Blomfield)

    Jeanette Grant, Things we take for granted

    Gwen Stone, The Mt St John garage

    Basil Hutchinson, Meccano and Hornby Trains in Epsom

    Valerie Sherwood, Pawns of fortune: the Cleghorn family

    Josephine Power, Thomas Sheridan: prisoner of war

    Jeanette & Reay Grant, The 1984 Queen Street riot

    Valerie Sherwood, Jean Batten living in Epsom

    Martin Thomas, A critical review of the evidence in regard to ‘New Zealand’s First Stone House’, 753 Mt Eden Rd

    Vol 12, 2013

    PROSPECT 2013 VOL 12


    Paul Waite, A heritage betrayed

    Jeanette Grant, Under threat

    Valerie Sherwood, A Christmas holiday in Central Otago

    Christine Black, First Mt Eden Collegiate School 1887-1892

    Helen Laurenson, Two for tea: the Mt Eden tea kiosk

    Jeanette Grant, Growing up with guns

    Valerie Sherwood, Alfred Domett

    Helen Laurenson, Early schools in Auckland

    Jeanette Grant, Time Out

    Cynthia Landels, A postscript to my story of a bungalow

    Vol 13, 2014

    PROSPECT 2014 VOL 13


    Graham Bush, Epsom Road Board members

    Brian Davis, J. P. Moulin and the Stonyhurst subdivision

    Peter Friedlander, Preserving Auckland’s volcanic cone

    Jeanette Grant, Two Mt Eden reserves

    Mavis Fenelon, Epsom Memorial Arch – ANZAC Service

    Helen Laurenson, The trouper and her trooper

    Valerie Sherwood, Amy Maria Hellaby

    John Adrian Speer, Writing off a regiment

    Hugh Laracy, Introducing Captain William Ross: an ‘Epsom Salt’

    Lisa Truttman, A misleading date: Alfred Cucksey and his Mt Eden store

    Helen & Eric Laurenson, Mt Eden misinformation cast in bronze

    Vol 14, 2015

    PROSPECT 2015 VOL 14


    John La Roche, Mount Eden’s water supply

    Jack Baker, My roaring forties

    Helen Laurenson, Two Epsom names on a Mount Eden honours board

    Jeanette Grant, Mount Eden School 1877

    Graham Bush, Burnnand’s Band at the ‘Epsom Trots’

    Valerie Sherwood, Dr Constance Helen Frost

    Jeanette Grant, The Udy family of Mount Eden

    Geoff Fisher, Memories growing up in Epsom and Newmarket

    Cynthia Landels, The changing face of St Andrews Road

    Jeanette Grant, War memorials in the Eden and Epsom areas

    Vol 15, 2016

    PROSPECT 2016 VOL 15


    Brian Davis, John Davis: builder, contractor, councillor

    Jeanette Grant, Auckland’s first supermarket

    Greg Smith, A tribute to Mrs George

    Helen Laurenson, Super salesman Roy McCall

    Elaine Bartley, The Doctors Walton

    John Richards, A few memories of the past

    Jeanette Grant, MENPS memorial gates update

    Anne Sanders, The Manor Private Hospital

    Helen Stowell, Mount Eden Mayoress’ Welfare Committee

    Val Sherwood, Nurse Effie Warbrick of Edenholme Hospital

    Natalie Taplin, Epsom reflections 1946-2014

    Jennifer Wilkins, The early history of Bramwell Place

    Vol 16, 2017

    PROSPECT 2017 VOL 16


    Harold Stone, Epsom memories [2002]

    Graham Bush, Tenth anniversary of The History of Epsom

    Grant & O. Clarke, Buying a house in wartime

    Cynthia Landels, Annie Mona Burgin, a vicar’s daughter

    Jeanette Grant, Quarries—now you see them, now you don’t

    Val Sherwood, The origins of the New Zealand Police

    Mavis Fénelon, The creation of our NZ heritage and our NZ identity

    Val Sherwood, Dr Robert Vaux Zinzan

    Vol 17, 2018

    PROSPECT 2018 VOL 17


    Margaret Barriball, An early 20th century immigrant to NZ

    David Pittman, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Mount Eden Gaol

    Dr Vincent Chan, Whose house is it anyway?

    Jeanette Grant, The Maungawhau School Fair

    Val Sherwood, Thomas Bracken

    Doris Layland, Reminiscences of my early days

    Jeanette Grant, The Rev Dr Arthur Guyon Purchas

    Colin Percy, Memories of an old macrocarpa

    Val Sherwood, Flickers from the past: the story of Iohn Edward Batten, our first film star

    Vol 18, 2019

    PROSPECT 2019 VOL 18


    Bryan Boon, Iohn Puttick, Miles Dillon, Chris Taplin, Reay Grant, Mike Grant & James McArthur, Auckland Grammar School through seven decades

    Helen Laurenson, Shadows of past endeavours: Margaret White

    Jeanette Grant, The domestic day

    Cynthia Landels, Wash Day, way back then

    Graeme MacCormack, Memories of ‘Woodend’

    Natalie Taplin, How my forebears came to New Zealand

    Jeanette Grant, Sheep in the city

    Valerie Sherwood, Two remarkable women: Sister Duffus &…

    Helen Laurenson, Dame Dorothy Winstone

    Martin Thomas, Coldicutt connections

    Eric & Helen Laurenson, Tale of two houses: the mansions of Princes St

    Roger Morgan, Able Seaman Robert Alfred Caney

    Helen Laurenson, Globe trotting

    Jeanette Grant, Modern medicine — 1944 style

    Vol 19, 2020

    PROSPECT 2020 VOL 19


    Helen Laurenson,  The EEDHS makes history

    Lisa Truttman, The canal promoter, David Bruce Russell, and his dream of a Whau River Canal

    Don McArthur, School days 1937—50

    lohn Grant, Educated in England 1942-53

    Eric Laurenson, Life at Model Country School 1942-48

    Jeanette Grant, My first day at school 1945

    Jeanette Grant, How did we get here?

    John Grant, Uranium hunting round Karamea 

    Tony Surman, Stephen Surman of Mount Eden

    Brian Davis, John Davis 1856-1939

    Helen Laurenson, Sir Ian Hassall, New Zealand’s first Commissioner for Children

    Helen Laurenson, Tale of a ‘two~storied house’

    Jeanette Grant, Book reviews


    Vol 20, 2021

    PROSPECT 2021 VOL 20


    ]eanette Grant, Covid-19 at home

    Cynthia Landels, Covid cat & mouse

    Pam Robinson, The polio epidemic 1947-48

    Jeanette Grant, My family’s other epidemic stories

    Geoff Fisher, What we did before TV

    Helen Laurenson, Cinderella and the IYA children’s session

    Jeanette Grant, NZ’s first licensed real estate agent—Christine Barfoot

    Jeanette Grant, Olive Stoddard—a life of service

    Lisa Truttmann, The true story of Waite’s Hall

    Cynthia Landels, Coming to Auckland

    Groves Teal, A letter from the past

    Don McArthur, Painting of Bycroft’s Mill

    Anne Else, Mount Eden 1956

    GWA Bush, Epsom: archetypal tram suburb

    Jeanette Grant, The end of the Epsom Community Centre era


    Vol 21, 2022

    PROSPECT 2022 VOL 21


    Jeanette Grant, Editorial

    Val Sherwood, Helen Barbara Laurenson (1937-2021)

    Graham Bush, Tribute to Helen Laurenson

    Lisa J. Truttman, Tribute to Helen Laurenson

    Bob Wallath, Recollections—an Epsom schoolboy in the 1930s

    Jeanette Grant, Petrol rationing in New Zealand

    Miles Dillon, Spare the rod and spoil the child

    Jeanette Grant, The 1953 Royal Tour of NZ

    Cynthia Landels, 100 years of Guiding at St Andrew’s Church

    Val Sherwood, Nurse Effie Warbrick of Edenholme Hospital

    Jeanette Grant, Whare Tane — 26 Clive Road

    Jeanette Grant, Boyd’s Royal Oak Zoo

    Judith Wallath, Two different streets

    Jeanette Grant, Robert Herman Wallath MP, 1874-1960

    Margaret Barriball, Val Sherwood, Frank & Marion Trainer

    Tributes to Elaine Bartley, Graeme MacCormick

    & Natalie Taplin

    Eric Laurenson, Time Out and EEDHS


    Vol 22, 2023

    PROSPECT 2023 VOL 22


    Judith Wallath             Foote prints in Epsom

    Grant & Wallath          A mystery to solve

    Jeanette Grant            13 Kakariki Avenue

    Basil Hutchinson          Hydrotherapy

    Alex Grant                   First impressions of AGS in 1983

    Jeanette Grant            Book review: Voices of World War II

    Jeanette Grant            The tunnels under Albert Park

    Frances Loo                 Eileen Loo obituary

    John Grant                   What NZ was like in 1955

    Judith Wallath             The end of the Mt Eden shot tower

    Val Sherwood              Lancelot Eric Richdale DSc OBE 1900-1984

    Cynthia Landels           My peripatetic grandfather

    Linda Fletcher             Anzac Day: the history of the poppy

    Rosemary Speer          My early nursing days in NZ

    John Denny                 A familiar image?

    Val Sherwood              Mollie Spackman obituary


    Vol 23, 2024

    PROSPECT 2024 VOL 23


    Jan Alldritt-Miller Number 37 Mount Eden Road

    Jeanette Grant Life before plastic

    Eric Laurenson Church design

    Jeanette Grant The Doctors Roberton

    Ian Thwaites Hilda Wiseman Part II

    Ronald W. Jones Rawhiti Hospital

    Louise Richardson An Anniversary Weekend like no other

    Jeanette Grant Cynthia Landells 2023 will be remembered as the year of flooding

    Jeanette Grant Five Auckland cemeteries

    Val Sherwood Miss Ida Dorothy Cupid, 1900–1960

    Jeanette Grant Depression days

    Jeanette Grant Getting to school

    Reay Grant Waitangi Day 1994

    Cynthia Landells My final story, that of a bungalow